Wednesday, November 25, 2015

De vuelta a casa

Vuelvo a escribir después de un año. Rara vez lo hago en español. Hoy ni siquiera tengo un tema; lo importante es engancharme y practicar, pues no es un fuerte mío escribir en español. Por ser mi lengua materna, debo practicar más. 
Hoy volví a leer lo que he escrito en el blog. He olvidado muchas cosas. Me asombra saber que tenía tantas cosas valiosas en mi cabeza hace un año. Además me alegra tener mi cabeza más liviana hoy. Es decir, es agradable encontrar el balance. ¿Si escribo mucho, tendré la cabeza pesada y perderé tranquilidad? Bueno, desde hoy escribiré mucho para ver que pasa.
Hace un rato salí a trotar, 5km. Calenté 10 minutos, moviendo las piernas y estirando. Cambié de estrategia. En vez de empezar con un ritmo de 8 min 30 seg por km, hice 7 min 15 seg. Pensé que me iba ir mejor, en términos de tiempo. Sin embargo, en el tercer kilometro sentí molestias en la pierna derecha, a un lado de la rodilla. Tuve que bajar el ritmo, hasta caminar. Luego, 500m después, reinicié con un ritmo más lento; 2 km después quería seguir. Iba a un ritmo de 6 min, 45 seg por km. Conclusión: no debo cambiar de estrategia. ¿Podré correr 15k este domingo? La distancia más larga que he logrado es 11km.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Reading and writing as moral means

I think I´ve lost moral skills. I´ve become less capable of making correct decisions; I hesitate too much. I´ve lost information and the sense of truths I would not negotiate. I was stronger, for I used to read and write. I could reason very often as I would question all texts that I came in contact with. 

That is why, I need to be more virtuous by learning about science, knowledge, and exercising justice, through reasoning, after reading and writing. 

The basis of my reasoning is my knowledge. I get knowledge by reading and facing life situations. The difference is when reading,  my reflection is stronger. By now I want to get fluency when reasoning, I might have the tools to do so, but there´s a problem with my attitude and how quick I react to different situations. So it is critical that I gain more knowledge in order to act quickly whenever I face situations when I have to make a point or make  a decision. 

Back to my thoughts

It´s been a while since I haven´t been reflective, at least using my writing skills. It is time to get back on track.

I´ve been on vacation, away from work. I´ve gotten used to certain routines. I guess that´s something we have both as weakness and strength as human beings. Suddenly we behave by instinct. We stop thinking and act based on previous activities. 

Sometimes that is good. Actually that is how learning happens, when one connects old with new information. But that is beside the point. I want to be more reflective while enjoying life. I want to be fluently reflective. I want to make quick decisions based on big life beliefs. 

I´ve come to realize I hesitate too much when having to make up my mind. Well, it is good to give decisions the importance they deserve; however, taking long to make them means I have not prioritized my beliefs. I need to have a big picture of my truths and act upon them.